As part of our ever growing work and services, we now offer ‘Sports Masters Mini Masters’. This programme was developed to encourage children to take ownership of their games and playtime


As part of our ever growing work and services, we now offer ‘Sports Masters Mini Masters’. This programme was developed to encourage children to take ownership of their games and playtime. If you sign up to our sports leaders programme, the children involved will take part in a 6 week course where they will be guided by our coaches to learn to lead a variety of games. Each week, the children will focus on a leadership quality and reflect on what they learned.

Every child will be given their own ‘Mini Masters’ journal for reflections, feedback and for evidence of leading. On completion of the course, the children will have hopefully done enough to earn a bronze, silver or gold award.

How can schools utilise their sports leaders:

  • Lunch time games

  • Sports day support

  • Red nose day activities

  • School sports team training

  • House competitions.

The leaders will spend their time learning about ‘SKILL’. These stand for the following:

  • Space

  • Kit

  • Inclusion

  • Learners

  • Leadership