Our aim is to ensure all PE is taught to the highest possible standard. Our coaches work alongside your staff, choosing which sports they feel least confident teaching or would like to learn how to teach and then guide them through each lesson. By the end, your staff will have an increase in confidence levels and the subject knowledge to plan and lead their own future lessons.

We use our very own ‘Sports Masters Coaching Schemes of Learning’ pack. Within this pack are detailed lesson plans for sports ranging from Handball to Athletics. The lesson plans contain Learning Objectives, equipment required, warm up games and the activities for each lesson; with appropriate progressions for each activity and how to assess the children’s ability against the National Curriculum. The lesson plans for each sport are set out to cover a terms worth of teaching to ensure consistency should a cover coach be required to carry on the CPD training. 

During each lesson, our coaches will use observations, team teaching and mentoring techniques with your staff, explaining the processes behind each activity and what skills they are targeting. This will allow the teacher to complete a ‘SMC CPD’ form; provided by the coach with all the information they have found useful from observing the session. 

This service is a fantastic way for schools to spend their sports premium funding. Your staff will gain support from our experienced coaches to provide them with an increased confidence to teach PE.